Kind of tired watching trash from YT.

Edit: Thanks for all the replies. It’s good to see that there are still gems in YouTube.

  • @MetricExpansion
    122 years ago

    PBS Spacetime (Physics)

    Money & Macro (Economics)

    Patrick Boyle (Finance)

    Perun (Military Analysis)

    Veritasium (Physics)

    3Blue1Brown (Mathematics)

    Asianometry (Semiconductors and Geopolitics)

    Engineerguy (Engineering)

    RealLifeLore (Geopolitics)

    Polymatter (China)

    Tantacrul (Music)

    Mustard (Aircraft and Trains)

    Biolayne (Fitness)

    • @Desucombo
      62 years ago

      I want to add Fermilab as a quality physics channel as well, easy to follow and Don Lincoln is entertaining to listen to.