Writer:“Hey Boss, I finished today’s news story.”

Boss: “Oh, this Reddit, is it a good source we should use in the future?”

Writer: “Oh, yeAahhH…there’s loads of things on here…WwoAh, look sOmeone’s argument with their ex, and they’re not getting the support they wanted in the comments section. Oh, tHerE’s someone’s cat knocking over a vase. NoOo other news station has any of this stuff! Someone’s got their week allll lined up for them… I’ll be soOon on my way to the top of I keep this up”

  • TheoOP
    17 hours ago

    did you forget that this is a shitposting community not a wholesome content community. I posted this because I wanted to make fun of it AND Reddit. Pointing out the obvious that I have seen in multiple places–not just news on social media, but my local news on TV, and many other places using a Reddit post–that is impossible to verify whether it was made up or not-as a source for ‘content’. But even if it was false and just propaganda, I don’t think the right are capable of interpreting this as you described. (I purposely don’t look for these connections because I make it a point to ignore politics as a whole, and even after pointing it out, I still don’t care).