I posted these end tables here awhile ago.

The carcasses turned out pretty well but I was never happy with the drawers. I implemented them as the world’s worst piston fit drawers, they had like a quarter inch of slop so they were less drawers and more boxes that fit in a hole.

I had some time on my docket so I remade the drawers, converted them to side hung, fitted them better to the space provided, and lengthened them. I had just enough poplar to make an additional drawer back, so I implemented @[email protected] 's suggestion and added a secret compartment. I haven’t made the stops yet so it will just pull right on out but I’ve made a piece of furniture with a secret compartment in it. Now I need something cool to put in it. Maybe a smallish bottle of scotch and a pair of glencairns?

  • @mpg
    34 days ago

    How will the stops for the secret compartment work? Where will you access them to open it?

    • Captain AggravatedOP
      44 days ago

      I’ve got these little swivels that are designed to hold glass in a cabinet door. They need a little bit of reshaping but then i’ll just attach them to the side rails under the drawer so you reach underneath and swivel them backwards. It won’t be a hard latch; if you pulled hard enough they’ll swing back and let the drawer come out, but I figure that will prevent breakage.

      • @mpg
        34 days ago

        Nice! Thanks for explaining the plan.