Again, getting your ass kicked by foreign powers is the bad ending. What leftists want is a way to stop the rise of fascism without a war that leaves millions dead. It should also be noted that this way of ending fascism requires a foreign army able to conquer the region going fascist, and who exactly are you expecting to come and kick America’s ass?
I don’t quite feel like teaching you how fascism works so just… Go learn that yourself. Then you’ll probably be less off the mark when talking about this stuff.
If it was an inevitable end to capitalism we’d be drowning in it is my point.
Speaking of points do you want to address my point about leftists being unable to organize themselves out of a wet paper bag, much less the current government they helped elect?
If it was an inevitable end to capitalism we’d be drowning in it is my point.
Regardless of whether that’s true, which is irrelevant (the answer is kind of yes but it’s complicated), America in particular is headed towards fascism.
Speaking of points do you want to address my point about leftists being unable to organize themselves out of a wet paper bag, much less the current government they helped elect?
I mean that’s just false. The multitude of activist groups, third parties and unions are the results of leftists organizing. As for why they’re not out there contesting elections, it’s a mixture of complacency, the spoiler fallacy, a weird Stockholm syndrome-style attachment to the Democratic Party and falling for the DNC’s ruse. You’ll see them get off their asses eventually (whether they’ll do so in time is another story), but inability to organize isn’t the problem here.
I mean the progressives saw a choice between genocide enabling status quo (their words not mine) and Trump’s government and still couldn’t break one percent of the popular vote (that’s including all the third parties just to be super generous.)
What’s it going to take to get them to get off their asses and do something?
Capitalism kicked all that fascist ass though and they turned to capitalism after.
Again, getting your ass kicked by foreign powers is the bad ending. What leftists want is a way to stop the rise of fascism without a war that leaves millions dead. It should also be noted that this way of ending fascism requires a foreign army able to conquer the region going fascist, and who exactly are you expecting to come and kick America’s ass?
I’m expecting America to implode and it not be a problem.
So what do you want to talk about here?
All the capitalist countries that aren’t fascist or the fascist countries that leftists fixed?
Yeah that’s also a bad ending. Because, y’know, nobody wants a reenactment of the Holocaust.
How liberalism will do nothing to prevent America’s fall into fascism, just like it did nothing to prevent other instances of fascism.
There’s a hundred and ninety-five countries in the world and most of them aren’t currently fascist so I think liberalism wins out.
What are leftists going to do they can’t even vote much less organize an effective party and you think they’re going to head a revolution?
That’s a fucking joke.
I don’t quite feel like teaching you how fascism works so just… Go learn that yourself. Then you’ll probably be less off the mark when talking about this stuff.
If it was an inevitable end to capitalism we’d be drowning in it is my point.
Speaking of points do you want to address my point about leftists being unable to organize themselves out of a wet paper bag, much less the current government they helped elect?
Regardless of whether that’s true, which is irrelevant (the answer is kind of yes but it’s complicated), America in particular is headed towards fascism.
I mean that’s just false. The multitude of activist groups, third parties and unions are the results of leftists organizing. As for why they’re not out there contesting elections, it’s a mixture of complacency, the spoiler fallacy, a weird Stockholm syndrome-style attachment to the Democratic Party and falling for the DNC’s ruse. You’ll see them get off their asses eventually (whether they’ll do so in time is another story), but inability to organize isn’t the problem here.
I mean the progressives saw a choice between genocide enabling status quo (their words not mine) and Trump’s government and still couldn’t break one percent of the popular vote (that’s including all the third parties just to be super generous.)
What’s it going to take to get them to get off their asses and do something?