As title suggests, in your opinion what are some of the best recipes you know that have good leftovers?

We hate cooking everyday, and love when there are leftovers, especially tasty leftovers. What dishes in your recipe book lend themselves to tasty, easy to reheat leftover meals?

Cottage pie is probably the one I can think of that is dominant in our household. Cheap and tastes almost the same reheated.

  • @Donebrach
    1 day ago


    Cook up some spicy meat and bean (Pinto or black) mix, with plenty of chile sauce (at least 4 cups sauce, dealer’s choice). lightly oil some corn tortillas and layer them with the spicy meat and beans and sauce + cheddar (or similarly bitter) cheese and white onion in a casserole dish (like a lasagna) bake at 350 (f) for ~until it bubbles at the sides~ Rest 10 minutes on stove top Serve and enjoy. Save left overs for later.

    Best if you use NM Chile but any spicy chile really would work, just make a sauce using it however you want. fresh onion and garlic and can get some Mexican oregano to add to the overall seasoning. It’s just a layered corn tortilla casserole with spicy filling and ample cheese at the end of the day so do whatever you want with it.

    edit: for any NM expats reading; if you’re making red chile sauce from powder, I have recently discovered adding a bit of honey really elevates the flavor—I assume powder loses a lot of the sugar content in pods and other more freshly made sauces so the honey reintroduces a bit of earthy sweetness.