Ya’ll said no stupid questions, so here it goes… I’ve been on a huge Coolio kick the past 6 months or so I’ve been listening to his albums but haven’t watched any of this music videos. Tonight, I decided to smoke some weed (Not a super regular thing for me) and watch some Coolio music videos. Do any fellow 90’s kids recognize any of the three other guys in the car with Coolio? If this isn’t the place to ask, I’d really appreciate some direction.

  • @JPSoundOP
    1 day ago

    The top left looks like a young Mos Def. This album came out in 1994 and his first album came out in 1997. BUT in 95’, he was in this group that did an album called “Manifest Destiny.” So the dates line up kinda.

    *Edit: After a bit of research, Mos Def’s 1st album came out in 97, not 99.

    • @proper
      1 day ago

      not him. besides he would have been in brooklyn and not loc’d out in compton.

      • @JPSoundOP
        1 day ago

        Cage fight: Mob Deep & Mos Def vs. NWA & Snoop. Who would win?

        P.s. K.L. does the halftime show for that one too.

        Edit: Trick question. WuTang wins.