From experience: geese will also band together to solve extent and fuck up those in their territory. While one is hissing at your face, another is coming from behind to take a bite out of your ass.
Oh, and those bastards have teeth… including on their f’ing tongues!
Bald Eagles are particularly lazy and will usually just try to steal from more capable hunters or just eat carrion. 😂
Geese also don’t take shit from anyone, so it was a long shot for the eagle.
From experience: geese will also band together to solve extent and fuck up those in their territory. While one is hissing at your face, another is coming from behind to take a bite out of your ass.
Oh, and those bastards have teeth… including on their f’ing tongues!
In all fairness, I’ve seen a video of a bald eagle attacking a grizzly and the grizzly went full “wtf and run”
Then again, geese are BAMF assholes that I would not want to fight with
What, did he lose a bet or something? WTF for real! LOL