I usually use the orange 3m foam ones or the silicone ones.

The silicone ones are much comfier and seem to block out the sound just as much. The issue is neither block out the sound enough for me.

I also use white noise and turn the tv on and its not enough.

Does anyone have specific earplug recommendations for sleeping please? Side sleeper here so I can’t use wireless earphones 😢

  • @Foreigner
    51 day ago

    I’m not sure but I doubt it. They inject some silicone into your ears with something that looks like a caulking gun, then the mold gets sent off to make the earplugs, which were then mailed to me. Are there places around you that sell hearing aids? They might sell those there. If it’s any help I’m in France, so it’s definitely possible to get them made in Europe.

    • @Djfok43OP
      21 day ago

      Thanks! There are some hearing clinics, I guess I should call them up and ask. Though I haven’t seen any such things on their websites.

      • @Foreigner
        21 day ago

        Hey it doesn’t hurt to ask, hopefully if they don’t produce the earplugs they might be able to tell you where to go. Good luck!!