The Japanese have this term “intoku (陰徳)” which roughly translates to good deeds done in secret. What are some examples of intoku in your own life? Doesn’t matter even if it’s something minor like picking up trash.

  • SmokeyDope
    1 day ago

    To do good when nobody is looking and to not pride yourself or adknolwedge that you do it is very close to the concept of ‘real virtue’. False virtue is what most practice, doing good things to feel morally superior, or to brag about it on social media to look good in the eyes of others, or to earn brownie points with their god for a personal paradise afterlife as a reward, any good that these people do are not truly virtuous.

    Anyone sharing their feel good stories here would be practicing false virtue out of definition. A truly good and virtuous person wouldn’t even recognize themselves picking up the trash or voulenteering the homeless shelter as ‘good’ actions or themselves as good people for doing them.

    • cally [he/they]
      421 hours ago

      Why would I care about being “truly virtuous” when false virtue can be just as helpful? Like, it can be annoying if you brag about doing a good thing, but it doesn’t change the fact that you still did a good thing.

    • @[email protected]
      61 day ago

      Anyone sharing their feel good stories here would be practicing false virtue out of definition

      This is an anonymous board, though…

      as ‘good’ actions or themselves as good people for doing them.

      What is wrong with “good” simply meaning that we believe the world would be a better place if other people did it, too? Common sense does not necessarily equate to some kind of sense of moral superiority.

    • @angrystego
      523 hours ago

      To share these things anonymously doesn’t necessarily equal bragging and can inspire other to do similar things. I think keeping those things to yourself can be more about you feeling superior about keeping it “real virtue”, when you could do more good by sharing. Sometimes it’s better to be practical about things.