With PewDiePie switching to Linux, I’ve seen more and more post with him and they often get locked.

What moral failings did he commit, and has he done anything to make up for them?

  • @[email protected]
    19 hours ago

    I’ve been using the internet since 56k modems was the only option, chud

    You are definitely defending him, and those that act like him. You’re saying it’s okay to be a shit person as long as you apologize while changing nothing. Go take a hard look in the mirror.

    • @[email protected]
      019 hours ago

      Except he did change his content, has made more contributions to charity than you have, and has done more than what’s asked.

      And I can guarantee your first website interaction was Facebook based on your beliefs. Nothing he did was outrageous, the actions were misplaced in time by ten years. Should he have been more mature? Sure. But no one that grew up on the internet would find his humor shocking or really any more offensive than south Park.

      In your eyes as long as someone makes a mistake their evil for life, well let’s execute everyone over 20 then. We all know what forums were like. We all know what voice chats were like.

      • @Arbiter
        19 hours ago

        Fun fact, people can change their beliefs over time. Something you should understand if you truly believe PewdiePie has meaningfully changed.