This may be more to do with opportunistic score settling than alignment with Trump
It might, but given that the guy doing the firing is the founder and still leader of the ultranationalist hive of bigots known as New Zealand First, I think it’s beyond safe to assume that he’s aligned with Trump on at least one issue…
Ultranationalism in New Zealand seems to have its own flavour, rather than blindly following US Conservatives. That politician is Indigenous, supports Ukraine, and spoke at the UN against the genocide in Gaza.
It might, but given that the guy doing the firing is the founder and still leader of the ultranationalist hive of bigots known as New Zealand First, I think it’s beyond safe to assume that he’s aligned with Trump on at least one issue…
The guy who did the firing put out this press release about how New Zealand supports Ukraine so it’s safe to say they are not following the Trump playbook.
Ultranationalism in New Zealand seems to have its own flavour, rather than blindly following US Conservatives. That politician is Indigenous, supports Ukraine, and spoke at the UN against the genocide in Gaza.