• @FauxLiving
    72 days ago

    Immigrant advocates certainly think so. Catalyze/Citizens, a pro-immigration group, said the change would “weaponize digital platforms” against immigrants. “This is not immigration policy—it is authoritarianism and undemocratic surveillance,” Beatriz Lopez, the group’s executive director, said in an emailed statement. “Trump is turning online spaces into surveillance traps, where immigrants are forced to watch their every move and censor their speech or risk their futures in this country. Today it’s immigrants, tomorrow it’s U.S. citizens who dissent with Trump and his administration.”

    The US has already turned online spaces into surveillance traps where people are forced to watch their every move and censor their speech or risk their futures.

    There are already a legally defined class of people who’re forced to register their social media accounts for monitoring by the government and people cheered when the laws were implemented.

    But you did not speak up, because you were not a sex offender.

    Now, they’re using that same surveillance apparatus to target immigrants.

    And people will not speak up, because they’re not immigrants.

    Protesters antisemitic rioting antifa terrorists will be next.