It’s day two already! Woohoo! Here’s a funky rusty butterfly on a rusty dog thing in my backyard.

Challenge Information:

I have to post one picture every day, I can take pictures in advance, in case I’m unable to take a picture for whatever reason (vacation, weather, idk) but I still have to post once per day.

I can’t post pictures of the same thing within like, a week or two, idk, I might get rid of this “rule” if I feel like it.

Oh hey, before anyone asks, this is definitely inspired by that one guy who took a screenshot of the games he played every day.

Don’t be afraid to give me any feedback on any of my pictures, I’m still veeery new to photography and would love any feedback given.

I’ll do my best to only share pictures taken with my Canon EOS Rebel T2i (or better if I ever get a new camera) but some days may be pictures from my phone, (I’ll let you know if that happens)

All images shared are originally taken as jpegs (5184x3456) without compression, but I always compress to 80% and convert to webp to reduce stress on Lemmy servers and make things load better. If you want a full-quality image, just ask me in the replies or dms, I’ll happily send it when I get a chance.

Also you’re free to do anything you want with any of my pictures, just don’t claim you were the one to take it :)

  • KevinFRK
    32 days ago

    That’s the way to avoid aperture issues - flat subjects :)

    Though I suppose an irritating person might argue that if you had an even smaller depth of field the rather cluttered background would be softened further, emphasising the subject!

    Oh, and nice rust!