Auto type is so handy. I used KeePass previously, but recently switched to using these commands to type out my clipboard after pressing a custom hotkey: sh -c 'sleep 0.5; xdotool type"$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)"'
It is so damn handy, especially when you have to deal with VNC and iDRAC so often
Yes, that’s a good one. I also have Espanso set to autotype bank account numbers, my driver’s license (with or without dashes), license plate, and more; prefill a Reddit search URL from scratch, etc.
I think that it never happened because folks find the power in bash scripts instead and different desktops can’t be automated the same anyway.
About the only UI automation I need is KeePass auto-type.
Auto type is so handy. I used KeePass previously, but recently switched to using these commands to type out my clipboard after pressing a custom hotkey:
sh -c 'sleep 0.5; xdotool type "$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)"'
It is so damn handy, especially when you have to deal with VNC and iDRAC so often
Yes, that’s a good one. I also have Espanso set to autotype bank account numbers, my driver’s license (with or without dashes), license plate, and more; prefill a Reddit search URL from scratch, etc.