Thought I’d ask this because I want to discover more foods from across the world
(Also I shouldn’t have to say this to americans, please state where you are from and state where you are from without acronyms or shortened names because I’ve seen US Defaultism on lemmy and not all of us are going to know your acronyms considering we’re global users)
I personally don’t like the stuff, but I’m obligated to endorse it lmfao.
Birch beer is also a thing here. And applejack!
Ah fuck, can’t believe I forgot birch beer.
Any time I manage to get someone with any influence at a local brewery’s attention I try to put the idea for a hard birch beer into their mind. I don’t think it’s taken root anywhere yet, but hopefully someday.
Applejack to an extent, I don’t think it has quite as much cultural significance to Philly, but maybe to NJ with Lairds.
While I’m on NJ, the Taylor ham/pork roll debate is weird to me, it says pork roll on the package.
And while we’re talking drinks, I suppose honorable mention goes to Yuengling. Pottsville is a bit outside of the Philly area, but it’s ubiquitous in and around the city, if you order a “lager” you get a Yuengling. Its a solid alternative to the Bud/Miller/Coors big brand beers, but really nothing too special. I avoid buying it myself anymore because Dick Yuengling is kind of a dick, and there’s plenty of other great beers being made in and around the city, but I’ve probably drank more lagers in my life than any other single beer.
EDIT: On birch beer, if you ever find yourself up to Ulysses PA in, I think, Potter County, they have the Pennsylvania lumber museum, they have a birch still there, and at least the one time I was there they had a guy talking about it with a little vial of birch oil from the still you could smell. He had a lot of cool information about birch trees/oil, turns out birch trees contain a compound that’s similar to aspirin. And the birch oil does smell very much like birch beer.
That’s unfortunate. I always tried to getting some when I’m in the area, just because of the local history. I’m not a fan otherwise, but the brand has killer nostalgia
Oh, pork roll and applejack is NJ, I am NJ.
As for the debate, I agree its pork roll. It’s like calling all video game consoles a Nintendo when you call pork roll Taylor ham.
I will steal the cheesesteak to eat, if you don’t mind. I’ll only grumble mildly when y’all come to the shore in exchange.
I generally don’t let many people from Jersey know this, but you guys may have the best cheesesteaks with Donkeys Place. They’re a little heretical with the seeded Kaiser roll, but they’re damn good.
I’ll have to check it out! Seeded rolls don’t agree with me, but I’ll make them agree with me! I promise to keep it a secret!
Camden I think is the original location, but they have a couple other places now, Mt Holly and Medford I think?