I’m going travelling in a week or two and decided to dig out my old Canon 350D dslr, from the early days of consumer digital cameras before the rise of the smartphone.

It’s definitely older than I remember, although maybe so am I! 8 mega pixel, with a 512Mb compact flash card.

On the other hand, I have a perfectly serviceable OnePlus 7T, obviously newer, not cutting edge any more but fine.

What do people think? Go retro or stick to the modern?

  • @not_woody_shaw
    22 days ago

    Usually just a few simple tweaks to light levels, colours, contrast, crop etc. There’ll always be something you can do in post to make a photo look better, but modern smartphones do most of this stuff automatically. Back in the days when I could be bothered lugging around the ‘big’ camera, the thing to use was Adobe Lightroom. I used Photoshop because I didnt want to spend for a second Adobe product. Today I’d use a free alternative called Photopea . I found this link with a roundup of some popular easier options https://zapier.com/blog/best-ai-photo-editor/