I know it’s probably photoshop but I want to believe I’m living amongst people that see what’s going on.

    • @straightjorkin
      83 days ago

      This is the exact thing that got my reddit account banned

    • @[email protected]
      53 days ago

      see, there’s actually an argument here.

      nazis are kind of don’t live in material reality. they’re all solipsists. if something real fucks their shit up, they need to create a diagetic reason for it to have happened, that cauterizes the intrusion of material reality into their fantasy world. they are as human as thanos or the red skull. if you would toss a ruined comic book, or rotted DVD, you should feel no guilt about doing the same to a nazi ‘life’, because you are not ending their life as they see it. you don’t even exist to them.

        • @[email protected]
          43 days ago

          genuinely not entirely untrue. they’re unsalvagable, and they wouldn’t want you keeping useless dangerous mentally ill people around, so by their own ethics; they gotta go. really, NOT killing nazis is disrespectful to the nazis.

      • @supernight52
        12 days ago

        It’s on .world right now. Guess it’s a waiting game now.