Oh man, let me make no bones upon this, but I *love* your work on this project, and HARK!
Euclidean geometry is not a strong point with NAPG.
Oh, piss off, FP-- I don’t answer to no “National Association of Gerontology Professionals,” and I never will!!
(oh, rabbits, might you mean “new-age Peter Gallagher??”)
Let’s look at this one from the other day. The corner of the wall doesn’t work. Once I removed the orange boi it became really clear that that corner can’t exist if we assume the walls are straight.
Okay, cool!
Yet which is seemingly a common occurrence these days, is it nawt? I mean (and we’ve talked about this before in previous months)-- I believe we both greatly admire Gallagher’s gonzo LEAP upon taking the strip in wonderful new directions, such as to… almost being a Krazy Kat-like jump, and that’s… holy hell… yeah!
BUT! These days, more and more in HC, it seems to me like there’s been a creeping, sad erosion of comics skills upon his part in too many ways, and yes, fading inventiveness… and yes, I also think I understand how ridoinkulous it must be to shoulder that kind of burden, day-after-day, year-after-bloody-year, being a successful strip artist.
I wouldn’t say the geometry errors are common but If these were trading cards they would be ranked as uncommon instead of rare.
Oh rabbits, now would that be… GOOD?
LOL… I still have this box of 1978 mint, TOPPS baseball cards. I think I waited too long, after the bust, to sell, but whatever. Some things become just that much part of yon life, is it not…?
Oh man, let me make no bones upon this, but I *love* your work on this project, and HARK!
Oh, piss off, FP-- I don’t answer to no “National Association of Gerontology Professionals,” and I never will!!
(oh, rabbits, might you mean “new-age Peter Gallagher??”)
Okay, cool!
Yet which is seemingly a common occurrence these days, is it nawt? I mean (and we’ve talked about this before in previous months)-- I believe we both greatly admire Gallagher’s gonzo LEAP upon taking the strip in wonderful new directions, such as to… almost being a Krazy Kat-like jump, and that’s… holy hell… yeah!
BUT! These days, more and more in HC, it seems to me like there’s been a creeping, sad erosion of comics skills upon his part in too many ways, and yes, fading inventiveness… and yes, I also think I understand how ridoinkulous it must be to shoulder that kind of burden, day-after-day, year-after-bloody-year, being a successful strip artist.
So there’s THAT, also.
I wouldn’t say the geometry errors are common but If these were trading cards they would be ranked as uncommon instead of rare.
NAPG - Non-Actor Peter Gallagher. So that he isn’t confused with the actual actor Peter Gallagher.
I don’t know that the rates are increasing. I’d have to go back and look at some of the early years of his work.
Oh rabbits, now would that be… GOOD?
LOL… I still have this box of 1978 mint, TOPPS baseball cards. I think I waited too long, after the bust, to sell, but whatever. Some things become just that much part of yon life, is it not…?
I have boxes of comics that are part of my life. Won’t read most of them again but can’t get rid of them