As Congress considers changes to the Medicaid program as part of the budget debate, relatively few (17%) in the public say they want to see a reduction in Medicaid spending, with larger shares saying they want spending to stay about the same (40%) or increase (42%), a new KFF Health Tracking Poll finds. Support for…More
Most Support Adding Work Requirements to Medicaid, but Views Shift with Arguments Made for and Against
This makes more sense when you look at conservatives as a whole. They’re by far the largest consumers of sports, sports betting, and are hyper-competitive - they’ll do anything to win.
Just go to any youth sports event and just observe who is doing what. The parents that are doing nothing but positive cheering for their team (and even congratulating the other team on a genuinely good play) look like your stereotypical NPR mom/dad. The ones screaming, coaching from the sidelines, complaining the “ref is fucking us”, are all the same stereotypical conservatives sporting a goatee, karen cut, oakleys, and tacticool tshirts promoting warrior mentality.
For them, loss is weakness. Aggression is strength. The only way they’ll even come close to admitting they fucked up is couching in a way that lets them save face. They’ll blame someone or something else. Never themselves.
You can’t lose if you never accept the final score.
This makes more sense when you look at conservatives as a whole. They’re by far the largest consumers of sports, sports betting, and are hyper-competitive - they’ll do anything to win.
Just go to any youth sports event and just observe who is doing what. The parents that are doing nothing but positive cheering for their team (and even congratulating the other team on a genuinely good play) look like your stereotypical NPR mom/dad. The ones screaming, coaching from the sidelines, complaining the “ref is fucking us”, are all the same stereotypical conservatives sporting a goatee, karen cut, oakleys, and tacticool tshirts promoting warrior mentality.
For them, loss is weakness. Aggression is strength. The only way they’ll even come close to admitting they fucked up is couching in a way that lets them save face. They’ll blame someone or something else. Never themselves.
You can’t lose if you never accept the final score.