Somebody needs to buy that mountain a fuckin’ beer, stat.
Shitler’s historical “favorite”? Poor regolith must’ve spent years trying to kill that fucksmear over countless visits to the area, but it finally got its chance for redemption in tossing his crustiest dingleberry suckboi over the lip.
Well done, you magnificent edifice. Set an example for all non-sentient masses! K¡ll Nazis with extreme prejudice every chance you get - no matter how small of a pebble you feel you are in the grand scheme of things. (even if you are a pebble, apparently)
Somebody needs to buy that mountain a fuckin’ beer, stat.
Shitler’s historical “favorite”? Poor regolith must’ve spent years trying to kill that fucksmear over countless visits to the area, but it finally got its chance for redemption in tossing his crustiest dingleberry suckboi over the lip.
Well done, you magnificent edifice. Set an example for all non-sentient masses! K¡ll Nazis with extreme prejudice every chance you get - no matter how small of a pebble you feel you are in the grand scheme of things. (even if you are a pebble, apparently)