Mark thy holy lemmings, gird thy loins with smelling salts and prepare for the unwashed tides. The memes will be terrible and swift, and no one will be safe from the waves of idiocy.
Tremble, for the 2nd Dawn of the Age of Incelius has arrived, and the Reddexodus Reddux is upon us!
Yea, my blessed Fediverse brethren, hear ye!
Mark thy holy lemmings, gird thy loins with smelling salts and prepare for the unwashed tides. The memes will be terrible and swift, and no one will be safe from the waves of idiocy.
Tremble, for the 2nd Dawn of the Age of Incelius has arrived, and the Reddexodus Reddux is upon us!
I’m going to wrap so much ammonium carbonite around my junk
Instructions unclear, incoherent screaming