The person in the picture is u/spez (fastest and the goofiest picture I could find).

Also, please don’t take it seriously. It’s a shitpost. Thanks.

  • @Bloomcole
    01 day ago

    Where did I “dismiss all sources”.
    You have offered exactly ZERO sources, only claims that ironically parrot the equally unfunded biased propaganda you baselessly accuse me of.
    How hard could it be when they’re supposed to be obvious dictators?

    Check all my convo’s and you will see the same pattern.
    I offer verifiable facts and NONE of the others can return the favor.
    At best an infantile “I’m not talking to you anymore”, but usually with added cheap personal attacks like ‘biased propaganda’ ‘Vlad’ ‘Russian bot’ ‘Xi bucks’ or ‘+100 social credit’. Sad really.

    Maybe don’t start throwing BS claims you can’t back up when you have no intention of having a genuine discussion and cowardly chicken out when I call you out on them.
    Or is that the best way to spend your time?