When we made this it was made during my term my first term. And it was so sad because I said can you imagine I’m not going to be president and uh that’s too bad. And then what happened is, they rigged the election and I became president. So that was a good thing, that was a good thing, that was quite a uh quite an achievement for both of us.
So I’ll be president during the World Cup and during the Olympics which we were very instrumental in getting and then of course uh we have our 250th birthday too and of that I wasn’t instrumental, that just happened to fall in the same time.
So we have the three those three big events you don’t get very much bigger than that the Olympics the World Cup and number 250 and it’s a great honor. But I appreciate you’re selecting us. And we were selected a long time ago though,during during the term during my first term and uh it’s an honor to be with you.
No voting history and you’re coming into a very quiet community immediately. What do you think I’m thinking?
Edit: I’m going to lock it. I think everyone has said their side and I haven’t deleted anything. Make your decisions off of what has already been said and upvote/downvote to your heart’s content.
Are you referring to me?