The people who run the Democratic Party got there by being good at catering to the rich. Now, the party must fight the rich, or be crushed. Therefore, the party itself needs to radically remake its leadership. If it does not, it will not be able to become an effective opposition party, and all of us will suffer for it.
The DNC will not allow this to happen. They will fight as viciously as the GOP to hold on to their power, and will take the party down in order to maintain it. We’ve seen it before when they iced out Bernie (Hillary and Wasserman-Schultz, I’m looking at you).
This is a really well-written article, but I think the author is missing a key point here - the Democratic Party cannot change quickly enough to help us. It won’t, and even if it wanted it too, economically in a world of Citizens United, it just can’t. The grassroots infrastructure of the Obama years is gone, and they’ll never compete against foreign billionaires using meme coins to dodge campaign finance laws.
They know they’re beat, and without the grassroots, their only hope is to lay low until the economic collapse that Trump brings starts hurting their former donors enough to scare them back into the ranks of the Dem donors. Just like the GOP of the Biden years, they need us to suffer to maintain their power.
This is they’re asking us to wait two years so that “maybe we can do something to stop Trump” while they vote in his nominees and censure those who speak out against him. They’re willing to let Americans suffer to try to score political points with their oppressors.
Here’s what really has to happen for the Dems to become relevant again:
Stop telling people what to do and who to vote for. Encourage resistance to Trump, don’t shut it down - this is a street fight and nobody gives a shit about decorum.
Start listening to and organizing your constituents in resistance. Stop paying for ads and start paying for permanent local staff who actively work in the community throughout the election cycle, not just once every four years. Engage and assist unionization efforts and community improvement initiatives.
Stop playing coy about churches and how they’re supposed to be non-political. They’re not - work them the way the GOP does - Jesus has a lot more in common with Dems than Nazis.
And stop ceding territory - there are a number of areas where the GOP runs unopposed. What the hell kind of a national party are you if you can’t field a candidate in every race?
People have to believe that you’re working for them before they allow you to lead them. All they’ve seen thus far from the majority of Dems is that they’re willing to surrender.
The DNC will not allow this to happen. They will fight as viciously as the GOP to hold on to their power, and will take the party down in order to maintain it. We’ve seen it before when they iced out Bernie (Hillary and Wasserman-Schultz, I’m looking at you).
This is a really well-written article, but I think the author is missing a key point here - the Democratic Party cannot change quickly enough to help us. It won’t, and even if it wanted it too, economically in a world of Citizens United, it just can’t. The grassroots infrastructure of the Obama years is gone, and they’ll never compete against foreign billionaires using meme coins to dodge campaign finance laws.
They know they’re beat, and without the grassroots, their only hope is to lay low until the economic collapse that Trump brings starts hurting their former donors enough to scare them back into the ranks of the Dem donors. Just like the GOP of the Biden years, they need us to suffer to maintain their power.
This is they’re asking us to wait two years so that “maybe we can do something to stop Trump” while they vote in his nominees and censure those who speak out against him. They’re willing to let Americans suffer to try to score political points with their oppressors.
Here’s what really has to happen for the Dems to become relevant again:
Stop telling people what to do and who to vote for. Encourage resistance to Trump, don’t shut it down - this is a street fight and nobody gives a shit about decorum.
Start listening to and organizing your constituents in resistance. Stop paying for ads and start paying for permanent local staff who actively work in the community throughout the election cycle, not just once every four years. Engage and assist unionization efforts and community improvement initiatives.
Stop playing coy about churches and how they’re supposed to be non-political. They’re not - work them the way the GOP does - Jesus has a lot more in common with Dems than Nazis.
And stop ceding territory - there are a number of areas where the GOP runs unopposed. What the hell kind of a national party are you if you can’t field a candidate in every race?
People have to believe that you’re working for them before they allow you to lead them. All they’ve seen thus far from the majority of Dems is that they’re willing to surrender.