Not sure how prevalent efforts like this are, but looked like it could be a good way to spend some weekend time. Would be really cool to see more forest in the highlands.

  • @OlapM
    423 hours ago

    Lots of talk, little action in my experience and travels. Of course Scotland was once covered in the ancient Caledonian rainforest, and pockets of it still exist, but rewilding has a more recent history. Really, for the last hundred years, the forestry commission has mismananged and planted vast mono cultures across Scotland. But we are slowly changing this, and learning more about our ecosystems

    • @JigglySacklesOP
      316 hours ago

      That’s unfortunate there is not much action. The bits I have seen of the Caledonian forest that are left look wonderful. Sparsely spaced forests like that are more uncommon in my country.