My one vice is diet caffeine free coke, I’m so rock and roll. Trying to find a UK/EU alternative I keep finding almost all drink brands are owned by Coke or Pepsi. These companies which originated in the USA have entities in the EU, which complicates the decision. Can anyone recommend a wholly UK(ideally) or EU alternative that’s reasonably priced?

  • @manualoverrideOP
    118 hours ago

    Wow I didn’t even consider Barr was a British company, I just assumed it was American. Barr root beer is great! You may have given me the best option here, thank you!

    • @[email protected]
      217 hours ago

      Free tip . . do NOT come to Scotland and suggest that IruBru is American . . that might end badly. Me personally I’d even avoid calling it British . . . YMMV of course . .

      • @manualoverrideOP
        117 hours ago

        Ha! Good point. I’m far enough south to have only ever seen IrnBru in a supermarket “world foods” section.

        I’ll keep this in mind for next time I hop across the wall.