Reasons to just do away (I am not suggesting a government ban) on competive sports. Ex. basketball, football, baseball, damn near everything else. I wasn’t always like this. Had a conversation with wife of a co-worker 20 some years ago and thought she was nuts. Funny how time and reconsideration can change a person outlook.

A huge waste of time. Unproductive except for large corporations and inflating players egos.

It reinforces division and us vs. them attitudes. Not unity and cooperation like what is needed today.

Add in b.s. like taking a knee during the anthem and men in womens sports, let’s just do away with competive sports.

If you want to ‘stick it to the man’ of overpaid athletes and mega-rich sports conglomerates, please consider.

I now spend my sundays at the rifle range.

  • snooggums
    312 hours ago

    But generally, my perspective is that if people are interested in sports, they should play them themselves. I don’t know why it would be so exciting to go watch someone else play basketball or something. You should just play basketball if you like it so much.

    While I agree playing is superior and I don’t watch any sports wher I don’t personally know the players/competitors, there are plenty of people who are not able to play themselves because of age, injury, complete lack of ability, and they still want to be a part of the experience. Watching kids play is fun, as long as the competition is friendly.

    • Zeppo
      212 hours ago

      I was commenting on pro sports and somewhat college athletics. Kids sports are cool imo except for how overly engaged and competitive the parents get about it.

      Sure, not everyone can play sports themselves. If they tried it more though, they’d be more likely to be able to. I’d bet the majority of sports fans are not unable to engage in athletic activity. I do realize that watching sports is also different than playing sports. That’s what I’m being critical of though.