I watched it with the alternate ending first and then I went back and watched the theatrical ending. I think the alternate ending is objectively better whereas the original is kind of cheesy. The original actually made me jump though so I can’t argue with its effectiveness. I see there is seven of these movies. Are they actually worth watching? As for movie one, pretty good. It creeped the fuck out of me.
If you liked 1, then 2 & 3 should be pretty good too. 4 is a bit of a step down, Marked Ones is by far the best and Ghost Dimension is abysmal. The movies are all fairly similar until Marked Ones, the interesting part to me is putting together the story. I liked Next of Kin a lot too (…for the most part - there were a few strange choices made), but it’s completely unrelated, I assume it’s one of those movies where the script was for something else and they slapped the brand name on.