I’m wanting a cheap dumbphone with NFC FeliCa, IRDA capability and the ability to connect to wifi. Sometimes I find ones online that hit two of those three boxes, but not all three.
By cheap I mean less than $100, and if any at all exist at less than $80 that’s preferable. I haven’t found any in my own research that hit all three boxes especially at that price.
Do you have any suggestions? And do you know any good sites for buying them from? I browse Backmarket sometimes, but that’s the only one I know of.
No Amazon suggestions please.
Those existed for a short time, in Japan, around 2009, sold by willcom, using the weird PHS standard. Irda and WiFi together in a phone actively sold in 2025? Irda might be convenient to transfer small photos to a PC without needing of pairing, but as a widespread standard died almost two decades ago