Reddit decided that i can’t delete my account, i tried several times with no luck. Do you have ideas? Should i get myself banned?

  • @cosmicrookie
    214 hours ago

    So when I deleted my account a few years back, i hade a Firefox script delete all my posts and comments.

    Then i created a ticket for support asking to apply my right to be forgotten, according tomy GDPR rights and also a written confirmation that my content would not be recreated after deletion.

    They will play hard but just say that you then will need their official information such as conpony name, adress, phone number, email, reg number and preferred communication method for your local data authority to contact them.

    • @[email protected]
      12 hours ago

      They complied with my request without any fuss. I didn’t even have access to my account due to losing my 2fa device.