• @[email protected]
    31 day ago

    pawn to g7

    If the black king goes and captures my rook I can capture theirs an get a queen.

    If the black king moves their rook to safety, I can move mine back too, saving it. The pawn and bishop are mutually protecting each other, so no need to worry about king capturing them. Don’t know where to go from here.

    If the black king decides to move his pawn up to f6 well… free rook I guess? I’ll just capture his rook with my pawn at g7 and upgrade to queen, he will then be forced to capture her, leaving the black king at f8, his pawn at f6 and my two pieces safe. Though I’m not sure it is possible to do a check-mate with just your king, a rook and a bishop.

    • @[email protected]OP
      41 day ago

      Though I’m not sure it is possible to do a check-mate with just your king, a rook and a bishop.

      It’s possible to checkmate with K + R only, so that would be a yes.

      Don’t know where to go from here.

      There’s your problem: how would you go about winning that position?

      • @[email protected]
        116 hours ago

        Bishop takes pawn. March the king up to 6 and use it and the bishop to protect the rook as you force black into the corner.

        • @[email protected]OP
          113 hours ago

          The bishop can’t take the pawn as it’s stuck in the corner. I guess you mean the rook.

          In any case, assuming Black loses the pawn, how do you force the king away from g8 if Black’s rook stays on the 8th rank?

          • @[email protected]
            13 hours ago

            No, I was talking about after the rook trade in the comment above yours, but it seems I may have mixed their two scenarios up in the process.