Hi! I’ve been looking to discover new artists a lot lately, which inspired this thread! I think every artist has at least a few pieces that are their favourite. I’ll go with some of mine!

No AI is used in my process, progress pics are here!

Also, are there any pieces of art that you initially weren’t a big fan of when you finished them, but later warmed up to them?

  • @Zonetrooper
    713 hours ago

    I do 3D modeling (I hope that counts?). Right now I think my favorite is a a spacecraft I completed not too long ago, but the reality is that each one I produce is a learning experience. I’ve gotten better at making things look detailed, learning how to texture, and so on.

    So something like the Caracal Heavy Anti-Air Gun, which is a few years old now, I sometimes look at it and see where I would do much better if I were to try to go back and do it now - but also where I was figuring out how to make things work (e.g., making the stabilizing feet actually work).

    • 🎨 Elaine Cortez 🇨🇦 OP
      312 hours ago

      I got into 3D art not that long ago and can confirm each one is definitely a learning experience haha. It’s fun!

      That’s a pretty detailed model! I like the gun part the most, very cool. The toon outline effect is also a nice touch. Are the tire treads bump maps or are they actually modelled?

      • @[email protected]
        13 hours ago

        So it’d usually be normal mapping, not bump mapping. Iirc bump maps are just height data and can’t hold normal information (surface face directions in short). Anyway it looks to me like either a normal map or more likely just a flat tire texture. The key tell is how the tire geometry is mostly just a cylinder. If you look at the edges it doesn’t follow the tire pattern.