• @[email protected]
    510 hours ago

    Yup. But there is zero fucking chance we would let them take this place willy nilly. I will die before I yield any land to these facist thugs. As our countrymen and women fought before us, we will remain the true north strong and free, or we will DIE to defend it. The dreams of this great country of ours will never die

    • @[email protected]
      25 hours ago

      Absolutely. I honestly think one of their reasons for talking about annexation, and why our country, isn’t ‘viable’, is because they know our country is better than theirs. But rather than try to course correct aspects of their own nation that they know are messed up, they’d rather tear down ours. It’s pride and their inferiority complex.

      They keep going on about how they’re the ‘greatest country in the world’, but they have things happen in their country that don’t happen in Canada, like mass shootings, school shootings, class inequality, poor or non-existent social safety nets, and a culture of needing someone to hate, or ‘other’. The US says that those bad things that happen in their country are unfortunate, but unavoidable in the ‘freest country in the world’, yet, right next to them, on their northern border, is our country. Canada. A country that ranks higher than theirs on the Cato Human Freedom Index.

      A country that doesn’t have school and mass shootings anywhere near the scale they do. Do we have inequality? Yes, but not to the same extent they do. We have more social programs that, while not perfect, do work to try and protect the more vulnerable. And our health care is seen as a right, rather than a for profit business model.

      Our very presence next to them is a contradiction to their argument that

      1. they’re they best in the world, (they’re not) and

      2. that whatever horrible things that do go on in their country, would happen in any other western nation. (they don’t).

      They have to try and undercut and undermine us. It’s the only way they can convince their own people that they’re still the best; by kicking down and trying to tear down any country that isn’t as messed up as theirs.