Post had nothing to do with murder or violence. It is clear who reddit serves.

        • @[email protected]
          22 hours ago

          I’m stating facts, not shilling anything. I don’t use Reddit and don’t care what they do or do not delete. I’m not advocating for or against Reddit’s position on this meme.

          I’m pointing out that OP is either lying or ignorant if they think that this meme isn’t implying violence. That’s it.

          • sunzu2
            321 hours ago

            You got a lot to learn about how the world works. But if you do understand and you still coming in here with this brain dead take. This is a boot licker behavior and I hope they treat you well enough to shill against your class interest.

            • @[email protected]
              421 hours ago

              I’m so confused. Presumably, you approve of what Luigi Mangione did - please correct me if I’m assuming wrong there. But proceeding assuming I’m right about that, isn’t violence the point?

              • sunzu2
                -220 hours ago

                Based on this I am going to assume you have not experienced enough of the life to understand what this is really about.

                So I guess less of a bootlicker and more of a useful idiot then.

                Unless you are part of the club… Then you are just shilling your class interest


                • @[email protected]
                  020 hours ago

                  I can no longer tell if you’re trolling, so I’ll have to say good day to you here. Every single time I’ve asked you to define your position or elaborate, you insult me. I’m not interested in that “conversation”.

                  • sunzu2
                    320 hours ago

                    I don’t think the image of Luigi is only about violence. It’s also a recognition of people’s pain at the hands of the ultra rich corporate elite. He symbolizes sticking it to the man, not just blind proletariat mob violence.

                    Many of us enjoyed the national unity that came from recognizing universal suffering at the hands of the US medical industry.

                    You have been clearly explained what this is about… You keep up shilling vIoLenace regime talking point.

                    If that’s how you feel fine, but that’s just your opinion, quit trying to project it on other people.