• @PeteWheeler
    05 hours ago

    Pain is temporary, therefore pain is fine if it leads to long term gain. It is not fine when it leads to long term loss.

    • @Dasus
      05 hours ago

      Chronic pain isn’t temporary though.

      • @PeteWheeler
        04 hours ago

        Wow, what a great point.

        Too bad we are talking about pain and not an extreme form of pain.

        Obviously there are exceptions.

        • @Dasus
          14 hours ago

          “Extreme form”.

          I don’t think you realise how age-privileged your comment is. Chronic pain isn’t extreme or even something only a minority of people encounter, oh no. Most people will know what chronic pain is after some four decades on this Earth, be it mild or severe.

          So even if it is just mild pain, you can’t “push through” it.