• @jimmy90
    6 hours ago

    when the ottoman empire was defeated both the arabs and the jews suddenly realised they had a chance of their own state

    the arabs started attacking the british and the jews and the jews started attacking the british and the arabs

    finally the british left and it was the arabs vs the jews

    the arabs lost, big time, and kept losing for the next 80 years

    i’m sure i can find a couple of books that say that as well

    • @Keeponstalin
      16 hours ago

      Sure, books written by Zionists who see Palestinians as subhuman. Good for you. Enjoy justifying ethnic cleansing and genocide. You clearly have no interest in human rights or the reality of Israel Palestine.

      • @jimmy90
        06 hours ago

        quite the opposite; there’s lots of non-genocidal zionists that wish october 7th had never happened and the war had never happened and wish the settlers in the west bank were in jail

        but they are also sick and tired of the palestinian militant zealots pretending they and the surrounding arab states are just the victims for 100 years

        for peace to happen both sides need to dig deep into reality

        • @Keeponstalin
          15 hours ago

          No, there isn’t. All zionists support the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. If they didn’t, they would be anti-zionists. Of which there are a few hundred of within Israel. If they genuinely wanted peace and an end to the anti-apartheid resistance, they would end the fucking apartheid.

          • @jimmy90
            5 hours ago

            a few hundred, lol, that’s very accurate!

            neither side genuinely wants peace, they’re still at war, there are still hostages

            • @Keeponstalin
              14 hours ago

              Hamas proposed a full prisoner swap as early as Oct 8th, and agreed to the US proposed UN Permanent Ceasefire Resolution. Additionally, Hamas has already agreed to no longer govern the Gaza Strip, as long as Palestinians receive liberation and a unified government can take place.

              Israel has never had interest in peace, you fail to comprehend that.

              • @jimmy90
                04 hours ago

                they better update that charter again to catch up with whatever they made up this week

                i’m guessing you want the struggle to carry on because daddy putin needs it to use antisemitism to his advantage around the world

                • @Keeponstalin
                  14 hours ago

                  Fuck Putin and fuck you. I don’t support any fascist.