I quite value content from targetted instances, but most of the “general” instances seem to be memes, posts on boosting lemmy, memes, reddit, memes bot posts, memes, reddit, memes, discussion on lemmy mobile applications, memes reddit, memes, and people talking about how the lemmy changed their lives oh and memes.

I would browse hot on reddit as a way to see things outside my subscribed bubble but I have given up. The signal to noise ratio is terrible.

Is anyone else experiencing this? How are you discovering magazines?

  • Nepenthe
    1 year ago

    I would guess users who really want to participate, but having nothing to say. Memes are the easiest form of participation and everyone is unloading several years’ worth from their folder like nobody’s business.

    Same with the proliferation of news articles, though those at least have a much higher likelihood of engagement. I’m not a very tech-literate person, so I’m really stuck scrolling by a lot of those.

    The comments section can be depressing, and I sense I’m typically the only person responding to a lot of them at all. For a notably smaller userbase that should in theory carry more visibility, there’s some neat stuff that inevitably dies in new.