The Evil Dead (1981)
I snuck watched it without my dad knowing. I remember it had me creeped out for weeks, still one of my favourites to revisit though.
How about your guys? How old werw you when you started watching?
The Evil Dead (1981)
I snuck watched it without my dad knowing. I remember it had me creeped out for weeks, still one of my favourites to revisit though.
How about your guys? How old werw you when you started watching?
Friday the 13th — the original, not the sequels, remakes, or tv series by the same name. Saw it on cable at a friends house and thought it was awesome.
Before that, I tried to sneak watch the Salem’s Lot mini series when I wasn’t supposed to. I got too scared and turned it off! I was eight years old after all. When I got older, I watched the whole thing. I still think it’s an amazing adaptation.