I’m not finding any information online other than that it’s difficult

  • @FauxLiving
    91 day ago

    Developers who use kernel anti-cheat don’t support Linux because userspace anti-cheat is largely pointless. It doesn’t matter if you personally don’t care, the companies that want anti-cheat do care.

    The workaround for kernel anti-cheat requires hundreds of USD in hardware. The workaround for userspace anti-cheat is entirely software.

    Because of this, you will have less cheaters if cheating has a $500 price tag. That’s why kernel anti-cheat is effective, there’s no way for that to be solved with a WINE patch.

    • CommunistOP
      22 hours ago

      I simply do not believe that it costs that much to cheat with kernel level anticheat.

      kernel level anticheat is pointless malware in my book, let it burn

      • @FauxLiving
        122 hours ago

        It requires either a Direct Memory Access card and supporting software or a video capture card and enough processing power to run fast image classification for AI aim bots.

        Anything running directly on the PC can be detected by the kernel anti-cheat.

        You can look online for the hardware and prices

          • @FauxLiving
            220 hours ago

            Anti-cheat just detects that it’s running on virtual hardware (VMs don’t try to lie to the kernel) and will refuse to allow you to connect.

            You won’t get banned but it’ll either stop you when you try to launch the client or it’ll kick you when you try to connect to a game instance.

            • CommunistOP
              118 hours ago

              That would let you hide things from the kernel anti-cheat but the AC can detect that it is running in a VM and just won’t let you play.

      • @FauxLiving
        124 hours ago

        It doesn’t stop cheating, it just makes cheating require spending a few hundred dollars and dealing with complex hardware setups. This means that relatively few people try.

        Non-kernel anti-cheat can be bypassed by software. So it’s cheap and easily available.

        That’s the only difference. Kernel anti-cheat doesn’t prevent cheating, it just makes it more expensive.

          • @FauxLiving
            120 hours ago

            That would let you hide things from the kernel anti-cheat but the AC can detect that it is running in a VM and just won’t let you play.

            • CommunistOP
              118 hours ago

              Is there really no such thing as a virtual machine that can’t pretend to be real hardware?

              • @FauxLiving
                29 hours ago

                The short answer is no.

                There’s a lot of study on this topic from the cybersecurity perspective. If you could create an undetectable virtualization layer then it would be used for real-world cyberattacks to steal money and the existence would be quickly noticed by security researchers (and future hardware would include changes to mitigate the vulnerability). It wouldn’t be used for creating aimbots for video games.

                If you want to read into the technical details, this stackoverflow thread has a lot of links to various papers and articles on the topic: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39533/how-to-identify-that-youre-running-under-a-vm