This new article is questioning the narrative surrounding To The Stars Academy and everyone affiliated.

  • paraphrandOP
    1 year ago

    When you say zero evidence, what do you mean exactly? I’m not sure about it all, but there are links peppered throughout the whole thing that seemingly cite claims. Do you take all or most of them as false?

    Like I said elsewhere, I’m not one to try to prove the whole phenomenon is bunk, but I can’t imagine every single last claim made in the piece is false. There’s dozens and dozens of them.

    I can understand if you highly question the SEC claims in particular.

    I appreciate the link being kept around. I’m not here to post stuff and be a thorn in anyone’s fun. This just happened to be a new piece with new claims about TTSA I saw that offered a different take I had not heard in the UFO echo chamber that is reddit before.

    • @DaughterOfMarsM
      01 year ago

      This is exactly what I am talking about. You saw links throughout the article and assumed that meant that it is well-sourced. Why don’t you actually take a look at some of those links?

      • paraphrandOP
        1 year ago

        I did though. Including the docs sent to the SEC.

        When I say “seemingly” I mean to leave room for your opinion. I’m not here to argue or push an agenda.