I’ll start - for me, it’s a social lubricant, it works basically in the same way as alcohol, but with way fewer side effects and no hangover in the next day. My alcohol consumption reduced as a result.

For this to work, it’s important to not consume every day, otherwise the desired “lubricant” effects basically disappear.

I know some folks use Kratom very differently for e.g. pain management, what’s your story?

  • @MiddleWeigh
    1 year ago

    Hi, it’s nice to see there’s a kratom community. Hope it grows, I spent a decent bit of time on the kratom subs.

    I’ve been using it for basically MAT. I’m a little over a year clean from fent and benzos thanks to kratom. I have zero cravings, and I don’t feel bad about my use really at all. It’s not soul crushing like the other stuff I was doing, it’s sustainable, and I don’t treat it like a drug ftmp.

    I get secondary benefits as well. My body is starting to break down. Years of work and addiction took its toll. Knees shot, all my joints, tooth pain, it helps me get through day to day, a QOL thing.