I assume they don’t make them like they used to. It was otherwise good. I overloaded it in the first place.
I got it for free from the junk store a decade ago and put new MOVs in it. Three US Quarter size MOVs, each with a thermal switch attached, an overall thermal/current breaker, and all the bypass class X and Y capacitors is something I haven’t seen in most power strips, so it seem worthwhile to save for the cost of 1/10th of $4 in a replacement thermal switch. Miser miser miser… That is all.
My old man would go around with a motor capacitor for an air conditioner when I was a kid and zap us in the butt. They feel about the same. I’ve also had the electrolytics zap me. I have too much damage from scars and crashes to be careless any more. The zap isn’t as bad as the inflammation that follows. It isn’t really bad until you’re getting bit by 220 240 or 480. I’ve never taken those, but my old man has, and I was present when others did as well.
I was probably 17 when I was down in Florida over the summer working with my dad. We were replacing controls at an industrial plant. My dad’s coworker went outside with a shovel and a minute later the control house was filled with a super bright flash of light and a weird bang. The guy managed to strike a 3 phase 480 line that was live. It blew off most of the shovel head but he was fine. All the power for the plant was locked out completely so nothing should have had power. But it was Florida and a typical evening thunderstorm had caused a lighting strike that managed to bridge a connection due to the way the plant was being modified and how the lightning rods were still connected to incoming and outgoing equipment. There was no other sign that a strike had occurred, and strikes are very common at that plant which is not a problem when everything is properly connected and grounded. It really didn’t help that the plant owners were so cheap and sloppy that they did not use buried conduit and just buried high voltage lines. (No, I don’t think that was legal back then either, but it was a very rough area. There was even an incinerator that was very ominous and looked like it was there for people that I still remember to this day as it had no place or use in that facility that made sense) That was my craziest sparky story/encounter.