Conselheiros da UE dizem que imposto mínimo sobre os ultrarricos é uma fonte importante de receita para financiar as prioridades europeias, sobretudo de Defesa. Em Portugal, imposto pagaria um quinto das necessidades.
Iirc a minimum tax would mean “it doesn’t matter what other loopholes and tax breaks you found this year, you have to pay at least this much because you’re this rich”. Revenue/profit is complicated, we need to tax mega-wealth like we tax houses.
Tax the rich like normal people with more brackets, tax the ultra rich and corporations with minimums for value and maximums for personal wealth after which the rest is forfeited/of no use.
Iirc a minimum tax would mean “it doesn’t matter what other loopholes and tax breaks you found this year, you have to pay at least this much because you’re this rich”. Revenue/profit is complicated, we need to tax mega-wealth like we tax houses.
Tax the rich like normal people with more brackets, tax the ultra rich and corporations with minimums for value and maximums for personal wealth after which the rest is forfeited/of no use.