This book SUCKED. And not due to its informational value!!!

It was because the pages tended to pop off. It’s a shitty binding, see?

The publisher, Not a Number (aka Blender’s custodian corp) issued a recall, and offered to do spiral binding on these things. I was a university entrant. Book swappage could have been expensive. Didn’t do it.

So I have a book that creaks. Half of it dedicated to turbo rad late 1990s art.

(“Blender v1.5 Manual”, by Ton Roosendaal, published by Not a Number in 1998, ISBN 90-76519-01-3)

  • umbrarozeOP
    5 days ago

    Yeah, when I was at the university I could have bought the spiral bind plastic thing for a pittance at the paper shop, and done the damn thing for free at at one of the many spiral bind stations.

    …except all of the spiral bound things I did there in early 2000s are randomly falling apart and I don’t want to really touch 'em any more! Glad I still have the PDFs of the course work I did somewhere around here.

    NOT ARCHIVAL QUALITY is what I’m getting at.