• finder
    5 days ago

    they can’t see nuance

    Na, they got something else going on.

    I’ve already gotten a few to explicitly say that the people mascaraed on October 7thdeserved it” or" “the Jews zionists did it”. Not to mention the few people who said “peace with the Jew zionist is impossible” and then follow up by citing the PLO’s One-State solution as the way to create “peace”.

    I’m not arguing with them to win, I hope my comments are more of a counter point for reasonable people reading these comments. Not sure how well it works, but oh well.

    As I see it Biden couldn’t disarm Israel as Israel disarmed would be obliterated, and that’s political suicide in America

    Yep, and without a reasonable administration Israel will face zero opposition to the actions they are taking and want to take.

    That is why I don’t care about ‘winning’ these arguments.

    And also sometimes, I’m just pissed that these people view this conflict in black and white, at best.