Kansas illegally searched out of state drivers. Pressing the question… why would you ever want to go to Kansas.

… quick article highlight, it turns out most drivers targeted were just passing through to visit states without a police force trained to violate the constitution

But the ACLU helped fight the case all the way to the US Federal District Court on behalf of many motorists who doubtlessly never wanted to go back to the state again, even if to protest their rights in court

  • originalucifer
    161 year ago

    thats a funny way to say “guilty of conspiracy to benefit politically and financially by systemically violating civil rights”.

    those stern words of reprimand sure is some justice.

    • Nougat
      31 year ago

      Uh, so far as I’m aware, all cops do that - pull over “suspicious” vehicles on minor offenses or equipment violations, use that as a wedge to “observe the driver acting nervously” and maybe “detect the odor of marijuana.” You get to collect revenue or shoo off “undesirables” at worst, both is even better, and sometimes you get free drugs.

      I mean, it’s not too much of a stretch to think that supervisors whose departments are getting increased revenue from dodgy traffic stops just might not look real hard at the patrol officers supplying those stops when they’re “confiscating narcotics” on the street, or “checking something into evidence” at the station.

      • Dangdoggo
        -41 year ago

        Yeah all cops do it, and isn’t it a victory to get even a small group of them in shit for it? Fuck them.