I was hoping if I could get some help regarding Iced.rs (& maybe even advice on GUI-dev in general) since the documentation/book is a Work-In-Progress
I was hoping if I could get some help regarding Iced.rs (& maybe even advice on GUI-dev in general) since the documentation/book is a Work-In-Progress
What do you need help with?
I’m trying to make a LBRY-desktop client similar to LBRY-desktop.
Which may be re-purpossed in the future to let’s say a PeerTube client
Where does one even start ?(Also, it’s my first project) I don’t see any practice videos, so that I can at least get my feet wet.
In any rust project, you start with API docs, and the examples folder if one exists. Just make sure the examples belong to the current version you will depend on, not the master/main branch. The link above is from v0.13.1 for example.
You’ve got that https://jl710.github.io/iced-guide/index.html Most importantly in there there’s the discord link, that’s where lots of iced knowledgeable people are these days.