I didn’t have a Gameboy until I was… too late.

Are the original Pokemon games worth visiting for the first time? I know there is some nostalgic reasoning to play them, but should I try it as someone who hasn’t ever played one?

Have any of you done this?

  • jgrimOPM
    12 years ago

    I had a giga pet. It was the only choice and it was novel. Now it’s nostalgic.

    • Saturdaycat
      12 years ago

      Then just imagine for kids back then pokemon to be like tamagotchi/digimon with a story and collection haha! That’s basically what it was, and the artwork was so fascinating for what they had to work with back then. It felt so whimsical and alien with the designs back in those graphics.

      Before yellow, red and blue just had this otherworldly look and feel to it. And the pokemon universe was brand new, so it felt so mysterious.

      • jgrimOPM
        12 years ago

        I’ll never get that. It’s too lat to heal my FOMO. :(