Hi, happy Thursday everyone. Just a small release which brings an option for per-account settings, settings now auto-save (no more ‘save’ button), and an option for turning off volume button comment navigation. and a minor bug fix. Going to be testing it a bit and then hopefully it will be live later today.


  • Per-account settings
  • Auto-save settings
  • Setting for volume navigation
  • Fixed an issue with comment creation sometimes not including the post when adding a top-level comment.



  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago


    Suggestion 1: Is there any plans on highlighting new comments. Currently you can see when scrolling posts that there are new comments since last seen 💬 56 (+15) which is great but once viewing comment I would love to highlight the new comment when scrolling through them.

    Maybe a custom colour on the level side pane and/or background for new comments. Would also be nice if the parent comment some how highlights it has new comments maybe adding (+1) or a * somewhere

    Suggestion 2: Setting for how many comment levels should be displayed by default.