We’ve got a bunch and the ones that annoy the weans, like calling Jalapeños Jalpaneros in public, are our favourites.

    • FinnbotOP
      101 year ago

      But…as a Scottish person that’s how we pronounce salad and chocolate!

      My wife (from the highlands) is constantly ripping my central belt accent. Like all the fucken time. She finds it awfully hilarious for a Teuchter. Not got a leg to stand on that lot! Her favourites are how I pronounce milk (mulk - I used to get a cuff round the ear from my maw for that, so I kept using it out of spite) and beard (baird apparently it sounds like).

        • xuxebiko
          1 year ago

          This is hilarious. Movies are called ‘fillum’ in India as well. It’s practically a word in Hindi.

          • TheEmpireStrikesDak
            11 year ago

            Gujarati too. All my rellies who grew up in India say fillum. After dating an Irishman for more years than I care to remember, it’s funny how much Indians and Irish have in common (we keep the plastic on everything too).

            • xuxebiko
              11 year ago

              Interestingly, in southern India (below Maharashtra & MP) they’re called ‘fillim’ .

              “the plastic on everything” is too real. Do they also store away plastic bags in one plastic bag and stuff that bag behind some door?

              • TheEmpireStrikesDak
                11 year ago

                Yeah, we have a bag of bags lol In fact I have some old bags under my mattress! I don’t really use them anymore since I moved to reusables.

                One thing I don’t think the Irish do is keep a suitcase of fabric under the bed/on top of a wardrobe.

                There was a good sketch about it on Goodness Gracious Me, the “Bharrat Homes” one. Too true!

        • FinnbotOP
          31 year ago

          Just drapped the weans aff to see that Barbie filum!

          I’ve always loved how we call it the pictures!

          • @TeaHands
            31 year ago

            We used to call it the pictures when I was growing up in County Durham too. I still do sometimes but with an aggressively exaggerated accent so it becomes more like “pick-chaz”.